Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Different meanings of "any" in C# and Python

I first learned to program in Python and now work in C#.

Python has the function "any", which takes in any number of parameters and checks whether any of them are truthy. This makes sense since Python has a concept of object truthiness.

C# has the Linq method "Any", which takes in an IEnumerable<T> and a Func<T,bool>. It calls the function on each element of the collection and checks whether any of these calls returns "true". This makes sense since C# has no concept of truthiness; a hypothetical C# "Any" method that did not pass in a function could only take a collection of boolean values.

Additionally, C# has a separate Linq method "Any" that takes in only a collection. It checks whether the collection has any elements in it. C# can have two methods called "Any" since it, unlike Python, has method overloading.

Despite this very logical reasoning, I periodically end a long bug hunt by discovering that, having a list of bools, I called "Any()" on it instead of "Any(a => a)".

I miss F#'s "IsEmpty".

If you can, avoid using the same term for two different concepts.

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